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All-Star Talent 2013:

The Free Raisins
Ladies at Play
Uncle Farmer

Quena Crain
Luke Donforth
JoLaine Jones-Pokorney
Tavi Merrill
Kristin Seibert
Keith Tuxhorn

Keith Tuxhorn

Hometown: Austin, TX



"Feel that pulse… that pulse… that pulse… that pulse grow stronger… like a heartbeat pumping from another world…"

That line, from a favorite song, crystallizes to me what happens when a band in a groove with a magic tune, a hall full of dancers who all find the tune's pulse, and a caller who knows to choose a dance that hardwires the two at the heart come together.

I'm always working to choose that magic dance. I had flirted with learning to call several times, but I think it was my first experience of that magic at a dance weekend (in 2000, with Popcorn Behavior!) that made me understand how the parts all fit together. Once I made the commitment to calling, it was training and advice from numerous experienced callers, particularly Seth Tepfer and Joseph Pimentel, who furthered my understanding.

Since starting to call in 2006, I've learned from every dance how to adapt to a band's strengths, find the keys to help dancers of all levels succeed, while building and adjusting a program that's full of variety.

I am grateful for all the challenges, and lessons learned, from all the bands and dancers I've worked with in Seattle, Portland, Boulder, Fort Collins, Oklahoma City, Kansas City, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Bloomington, and all over Texas, especially in Austin.

Will you come and help me try to create another magical pulse at Catapult? I hope so! Can't wait to meet you!

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