Catapult showcases undiscovered bands from across the USA. (And beyond?)
If your band has the chops, but hasn’t gotten the exposure you
need to get the attention of dance weekend organizers, apply now
to let us catapult you into the spotlight of the national contra dance stage.
Plenty of previous experience knocking the socks off of dancers at
your home hall and at (un)reasonably far away dances
in your region, and with playing special event dances (e.g., New
Year’s Eve, Advanced Dances). Maybe even a few weekend festivals.
- Play one 2-hour evening contra dance
- Play one 1.5-hour daytime contra dance
- Lead or contribute to at least one 1.5-hour workshop
- Play with the other Catapult musicians for an ensemble farewell dance
- Spend the rest of the time dancing, socializing and having a good time
- Exposure to a national pool of contra dance festival talent scouts, influencers and
decision makers
- An opportunity to play for a contra dance band’s best marketing channel - dance
gypsies from around the country
- Free entry to the Catapult dance weekend for band members
- Money (up to a set cap) for travel expenses
The Catapult 2017 Band and Caller application period is now closed.
If you are interested in appearing on a future Catapult stage, please join our Facebook group for the latest Catapult news and updates.
Keep your dance friends in the loop through e-mail and social networking with the links below.
Recommend callers and other bands you’d like to see in the lineup by e-mailing
What others are saying...
"the chance to dance to 6
bands and 6 callers that will
include the big hitters for
next year and beyond"
Dave Marcus
Musician, leader, dancer
Atlanta, GA
"Catapult dance weekend
idea is great. I wish there
had been something like it
when I was getting into
Nils Fredland
Musician, caller, leader, dancer
Keene, NH